Research Projects
Our main areas of research focus can be broken down into:
(1) theoretical research on solid mechanics,
(2) research & development tailored to specific engineering applications, and
(3) pedagogy research to enhance student engagement with materials science and engineering.
In our research group, students and research assistants can receive training in wide range of important engineering tools and techniques, such as: computer-aided design (CAD), rapid prototyping and additive manufacturing, materials characterization, experimental mechanical testing, numerical simulation (e.g. FEM), and in-house software development.
(1) Theoretical Research on Solid Mechanics
1.a – Mechanics of Nature-inspired Heterogeneous Architected Meta-materials:

Description: Architected meta-materials are a subset of lightweight composite materials comprised of interconnected struts/walls interspersed with pockets of air. Their internal architectures are highly tunable to attain material properties that conventional solids cannot achieve (e.g., negative Poisson’s ratios, negative thermal expansion).
Recently, our research group took inspiration from nature – such as the microstructures found in inorganic crystals (polycrystalline graphene) and biological systems (e.g., diatoms, bones, beehives) – to create a new type of Heterogeneous Architected Meta-materials (HAMs).
These lightweight and recyclable materials can help save weight, thereby reducing carbon emissions and the raw materials used in the transportation and manufacturing sectors. They also offer uniquely tailorable material properties (e.g., stiffness, strength, and toughness) that can be used to optimize performance for specific applications. This makes them attractive as sustainable solutions in a vast variety of fields (e.g., automotive, aerospace, sports, and biomedical sectors).
Selected Publication(s):
B. Yu, D.A. Van Egmond, K.A. Samk, U. Erb, D. Wilkinson, D. Embury, H. Zurob, The design of “Grain Boundary Engineered” architected cellular materials: The role of 5-7 defects in hexagonal honeycombs, Acta Materialia 243 (2023) 118513.
J. Deering, K.I. Dowling, L.-A. DiCecco, G.D. McLean, B. Yu, K. Grandfield, Selective Voronoi tessellation as a method to design anisotropic and biomimetic implants, Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials 116 (2021) 104361.
D.A. van Egmond, B. Yu, S. Choukir, S. Fu, C.V. Singh, G. Hibbard, B.D. Hatton, The benefits of structural disorder in natural cellular solids, arXiv preprint arXiv:2110.04607 (2021).
B. Yu, K. Chien, K.A. Samk, G. Hibbard, A mechanism for energy absorption: Sequential micro-kinking in ceramic reinforced aluminum alloy lattices during out-of-plane compression, Materials Science and Engineering: A 716 (2018) 11-22.
1.b – Mechanics of Additively Manufactured Heterogeneous Alloys and Metal Composites:
Description: Alloys produced via additive manufacturing techniques often contain microstructural heterogeneity (e.g., grain size and compositional gradients). Different arrangements and types of heterogeneity can lead to positive strengthening effects or negative embrittlement behavior.
In this research module, our team investigates various types of additively manufactured alloys (e.g., via powder-bed fusion, cold spraying, and direct energy deposition) through experimental characterization and mechanical testing to elucidate the "structure-properties-relationship" in heterogeneous alloys and metal matrix composites.
The ultimate goal is to improve the capabilities of additive manufacturing technologies and to foster growth in advanced manufacturing in Canada and globally.
Selected Publication(s):
G. Carasi, B. Yu, E. Hutten, H. Zurob, R. Casati, M. Vedani, Effect of Heat Treatment on Microstructure Evolution of X38CrMoV5-1 Hot-Work Tool Steel Produced by L-PBF, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 52 (2021) 2564-2575.

J. Tam, W. Li, B. Yu, D. Poirier, J.-G. Legoux, P. Lin, G. Palumbo, J.D. Giallonardo, U. Erb, Reducing complex microstructural heterogeneity in electrodeposited and cold sprayed copper coating junctions, Surface and Coatings Technology 404 (2020) 126479.
B. Yu, J. Tam, W. Li, H. Cho, J.-G. Legoux, D. Poirier, J. Giallonardo, U. Erb, Microstructural and bulk properties evolution of cold-sprayed copper coatings after low temperature annealing, Materialia 7 (2019) 100356.
(2) Research & Development for Specific Applications
2.a – Design of Architected Injury Protection Devices (e.g. bicycle helmets):

Description: We have designed various types of hybrid impact attenuators using architected meta-materials as the building blocks.
Most recently, we invented a new 3D-printed geodesic honeycomb helmet made of elastomeric materials (patent pending). Our first-generation helmet design demonstrated a 30% improvement in concussion protection under oblique impact conditions.
Our group is actively working to enhance the performance of these novel hybrid impact attenuators, with the goal of improving user safety and supporting sustainable development by driving innovation in the cycling sector.
Selected Publication(s):
A.R.A. King, J. Rovt, O.E. Petel, B. Yu, C.E. Quenneville, Evaluation of an Elastomeric Honeycomb Bicycle Helmet Design to Mitigate Head Kinematics in Oblique Impacts, Journal of Biomechanical Engineering 146(3) (2024).
B. Yu, K. Chien, K.A. Samk, G. Hibbard, A mechanism for energy absorption: Sequential micro-kinking in ceramic reinforced aluminum alloy lattices during out-of-plane compression, Materials Science and Engineering: A 716 (2018) 11-22.
2.b – Design of Architected Biomedical Devices (e.g. surgical implants):
Description: Architected meta-materials have the potential to offer a highly desirable combination of high compliance while maintaining high strength.
By tuning their internal architecture, these meta-materials can be tailored for use as bio-compatible surgical implants to minimize adverse stress shielding effects.
In addition, we are exploring a novel volumetric bio-printing technology for the fabrication of a metal-polymer hybrid structure as a surgical implant.
Our research group will be collaborating with orthopaedic surgeons to design new and improved architected implants that will lead to better patient outcomes and quality of life.
Selected Publication(s):
J. Deering, K.I. Dowling, L.-A. DiCecco, G.D. McLean, B. Yu, K. Grandfield, Selective Voronoi tessellation as a method to design anisotropic and biomimetic implants, Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials 116 (2021) 104361.

J. Deering, A. Presas, B.E. Lee, D. Valentin, B. Yu, C. Heiss, K. Grandfield, W.A. Bosbach, Response of Saos-2 osteoblast-like cells to kilohertz-resonance excitation in porous metallic scaffolds, Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials 106 (2020) 103726.
D. Mahmoud, M.A. Elbestawi, B. Yu, Process–Structure–Property Relationships in Selective Laser Melting of Porosity Graded Gyroids, Journal of Medical Devices 13(3) (2019).
2.c (New project) – Design of Lightweight Architected Aerospace Structures (e.g. wings, landing gear):

Description: Architected meta-materials have the potential to offer ultra-high strength-to-weight ratios, which can be achieved by tuning their internal architecture.
These properties are highly beneficial for applications such as aerospace and automotive components, where the lightweight nature of the material can aid in the reduction of fuel consumption.
We are currently collaborating with aerospace manufacturers to design the next generation of lightweight structural components.
2.d (New project) – Design of a Sustainable Architected Chemical Separator:
Description: Architected meta-materials have ultra-high surface area. Thus, they can be utilized in the design of high-efficiency heat treatment for thermal cooling systems, as well as efficient filter materials in chemical separation processes.
Funded by NRCan, we are currently exploring methods to fabricate ultra-high surface area carbon absorption structures for carbon capture applications.
2.e – Development of Sustainable Organic Composites:

Sponsor / Partner: Axolotl Biosciences; McMaster U. | Researcher(s): Viraj Whabi
Research Opportunity: Currently filled, open for discussion.
Description: As part of the research vision of the Hybrid 3D lab, we also conduct research in the development of new 3D printable sustainable/compostable composites.
We are collaborating with biologists to explore a new bio-printing technology involving mycelium cells.
These new mycelium materials can be fabricated into compostable alternative packaging materials that are more environmentally-friendly than single-use plastics.
Selected Publication(s):
V. Whabi, B. Yu, J. Xu, From Nature to Design: Tailoring Pure Mycelial Materials for the Needs of Tomorrow, Journal of Fungi 10(3) (2024) 183.
V.A. da Silva, R. Sharma, E. Shteinberg, V. Patel, L. Bhardwaj, T. Garay, B. Yu, S.M. Willerth, Machine Learning Approaches to 3D Models for Drug Screening, Biomedical Materials & Devices (2023) 1-26.
(3) Pedagogy Research: Development of Materials Educational Games:
Our group is passionate about education as well!
We hope to spark interest in materials science and engineering, attract talented students from a diversity of backgrounds to pursue careers in the field, and train highly qualified personnel to tackle important engineering challenges facing the world today.
We are currently in collaboration with ANSYS to development a set of interactive (game-like) teaching tools to enhance student engagement in their education in materials science.
You can download and try some of our materials science educational game at the links below:

Sponsor / Partner: ANSYS Inc.; California Polytechnic State University (Cal Poly).
Asher Barnsdale, Olivia Daugela
Research Opportunity:
<currently filled, open for discussion>
Selected Publication(s):
B. Yu, R. Cicoria, A. Lucentini, M. Bhuiyan, H. Zurob, Enhancing student experiential learning opportunities in materials science through the development of online virtual laboratories, American Society for Engineering Education - St. Lawrence Section (2021) 35364.
S. Earle, L.-A. DiCecco, D. Binkley, A. Lucentini, G. Tembrevilla, M. Arshad, B. Yu, Making Learning Fun: Implementing a Gamified Approach to Materials Science and Engineering Education, ASEE, https://peer.asee.org/43520, 2023, p. 43520.
Equipment (owned/accessible)

Rapid Prototyping & Additive Manufacturing:
Fused deposition modeling (FDM) 3D printer: Raise3D, Prusa XL
Stereolithography (SLA) resin 3D printer: Form 3, Form 3L, and Anycubic
Computed axial lithography (CAL) volumetric resin 3D printer (expected in late 2024)
Selective laser sintering (SLS) 3D printer (large volume): Nexa 3D (expected in early 2025)
Laser Powder Bed Fusion (LBPF) metal 3D printer: Aconity MIDI (expected in early 2025)
Mechanical Testing & Imaging:
Microhardness tester
Quasi-static Uniaxial testing machine (UTS): MTS, MTI
Charpy impact tester
Dynamic drop tower impact tester
Camera system: Pixelink, digital image correlation (DIC), Phantom high-speed camera
Transmission electron microscope (TEM)
Scanning electron microscope (SEM)
Optical Microscope
Design and Simulation Software
Computer aided-design: SolidWorks, nTop, Rhino 3D
Software: Python, Matlab
Materials Selection: ANSYS-Granta EduPack
Numerical Simulation: Abaqus, ANSYS